It is free, open source and global.
A wallet an app for receiving and sending monero.
You can run a wallet on your phone or computer.
On a computer use the Monero GUI. Windows / Mac / Linux
On Android? Use monerujo
On iOS? Use Cake Wallet
For large amounts check hashes & verify sigs. and consider a hardware wallet (Trezor or Ledger).
You can solo mine with the Monero Desktop GUI
To mine in a pool download XMRig, configure using the Wizard.
1% hashrate is directed to the XMRig devs. This can be disabled in the source code.
Advanced users should consider using P2Pool (Guide by Sethforprivacy)
Time to get your balance off zero. Find someone willing to pay you for your products/services in monero (see MoneroMarket).
Digital cash is made to be spent in a circular economy. Find merchants accepting monero and close the loop.